Page 9 - parishmeeting2018
P. 9

Senior Warden, Annual Report, 2017
               Becky Fisher

               Where do I begin?   The sacristy floor was replaced this year.   I don’t want to tell everything
               that our Junior Warden Helmut has had done, but he even played the role of the “Sorting Hat”
               for vacation bible school this year.   We had about 20 youth in attendance at vacation bible
               school this year.  We were reaching out to our church members and beyond.  We continue to
               provide opportunities for growth in God’s love offering Christian Education for a span of
               different ages.  We celebrated The Season of Creation and walked the Stations of the Cross
               during Easter.  It’s been a year full of spiritual growth.  So many people in this church have
               helped with our growth allowing for Saint Peter’s Church to reach out and accomplish God’s will
               this year.

               Our outreach programs continue to flourish.  Ben will let you know the numbers but Village
               Harvest has been amazing.  We were able to bring music to the community this year with
               Magical Strings.  St. Peter’s also continued to help with Historical Port Royal’s 4th of July
               Celebration.  We’ve been able to support Salli Hartman in discernment for a calling to become a
               deacon.  Also, to offer support to Jackie Collins as she pursues her calling.

               I can’t name everyone and everything in this report.  It would grow too long. Know that I’m
               grateful to be part of this community and the fellowship here at St. Peter’s and I ask God to
               guide us, and grant us courage and grace “to do his will.”

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