Page 4 - parishmeeting2018
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the church and the parish house as another easily implemented safety improvement.  Other
               plans, which we are still in the process of implementing, include installing an AED to help with
               medical emergencies, and the purchase of additional fire extinguishers for the back of the
               church which can be used both for any fires and as deterrents against anyone intent on
               harming our congregation when it is gathered for worship.  The Vestry will be presenting a
               comprehensive safety plan to the congregation sometime during the first part of this year.

               Another almost completed project is the sign that hangs on the outer front wall of the church.
               Rance Rupp, a woodworker and artist, is in the process of lettering the sign and making it more
               weather resistant.  It should be back in place soon.

               Throughout the year, we made various improvements to our buildings and grounds, including
               the raising of the bell tower and new sidewalks for the sacristy entrance, the parish house
               kitchen entrance, and the nursery.  Please see Helmut Linne Von Berg’s Junior Warden report
               for more information.

               Christian Education at St Peter’s continues to happen mainly at the weekly Bible study at 10AM
               each Wednesday, when we study the lectionary for the coming Sunday.  Other Christian
               Education opportunities for adults this year included a Lenten program based on The Five
               Marks of Love, a curriculum developed by the Society of St John the Evangelist and Virginia
               Theological Seminary.  Ben Hicks taught a five week Advent class on Charles Dickens’ The
               Christmas Carol and its connections to scripture and the Christian story of redemption.  The
               confirmation/reaffirmation classes that Woody and Cherry attended were open to all, as were
               the St Francis’ Day events.

               Some highlights from this past year include the MLK Community Walk and Celebration in
               Bowling Green on January 16 .  St Peter’s was one of the supporters of this walk, and the Keys
               and I joined in the walk and the worship service in Bowling Green that day.

               Also, in January I got trained as a diocesan trainer in misconduct prevention training, so that
               now I can train those in the parish who work with adults or children and need the training.
               Johnny Davis, Marilyn Newman and Bill Wick took the adult misconduct prevention class as part
               of the requirement to be Lay Eucharistic Visitors.

               The Vestry held a retreat in February and spent the time in prayerful reflection.   We met at St
               George’s in Fredericksburg and ended the retreat with lunch in town.  The altar guild had a
               training in February.

               In March, I went to the Beecken Center in Tennessee.   Wendy Gayle and I did a week long
               training to become trainers for Listening Hearts, a discernment process used for by the Diocese
               for those who are considering various types of ministry.  This method of discernment is also
               good for anyone who is in any sort of transition—a way of determining with the help of people
               who listen and ask questions how the Holy Spirit is present and active in our lives and what that
               presence means for decision making.

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