Village Harvest trends Quarter 1, 2018-2021

The feast continues but the trend is different in the first quarter. Since 2018, we have attracted fewer people to our Wed’s Village Harvest. The decline has been from 389 in 2018 to 295 currently this quarter. Increases occurred from between 2018 from 2016-2018. The largest drop afterwards was between 2018 and 2019 of 67 with declines between 10-15 in each of the last two years.

Offsetting this has been the increase in food brought to the harvest. Our food supply rose by 1,092 in the first quarter of 2021. This is the first increase since 2018. Pounds per person is 14.72 the second largest figure since 2018. We are feeding less people, more.

So for those coming to the harvest have an increasing value in pounds of food and thus value. The value per shopper this quarter is $90.6 which is better than last year $65.04 and comparable to the $92 figure from 2018-2019