“Crazy Christians”, July 8, 2012

We had about 59 at Pitts Pond for a service and lunch between St. Asaph’s and St. Peter’s. Catherine provided the sermon and Bambi celebrated. The readings are here. We had about 14 of that number that came from St. Peter’s – (Clarence, Betty, Helmut, Susan, Eunice, Roger, Nancy, 5 Fishers, Catherine and Ben). 

Pitts Pond is a man-made pond created in 1968 and was graciously provided for our use by Don Pitts

Pitts Pond

Bambi and Catherine make final plans for the service

Planning the service

The meal after the service included about 30 separate plates of food from hot dogs to vegetable dishes (macaroni, casseroles) and deserts (cookies, cupcakes)

Pitts Pond Meal

Here a portion of St. Peter’s with Don Pitts at lunch

St. Peters with Don Pitts

Chris and Ezekiel Fisher enjoy the water after lunch:

Chris Zeke Fisher

The Lectionary

Pitts Pond Worship Sequence July 8, 2012

The Bishop of NC, Michael Curry spoke to the 77th General Convention on the Mark 6:1-13 scripture on Sat., July 7: "We need some Christians who are as crazy as the Lord. Crazy enough to love like Jesus, to give like Jesus, to forgive like Jesus, to do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God — like Jesus. Crazy enough to dare to change the world from the nightmare it often is into something close to the dream that God dreams for it. And for those who would follow him, those who would be his disciples, those who would live as and be the people of the Way? It might come as a shock, but they are called to craziness."    He cited Mary Magdalene who stayed with Jesus through the crucifixion when the other disciples deserted; Harriet Beacher Stowe who wrote about "the brutality, the injustice, the inhumanity of the institution of chattel slavery" in Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Steve Jobs who encouraged us to "think differently..because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Catherine’s sermon used a fictional scene at the Jesus household – "“You’re not going to believe this, Mary…Mark tells us that they took offense at him, this former villager who has deserted his family—not even plying his trade as a craftsman to support his mother." He doesn’t give up but sends out the discliples – " They will have to depend on the hospitality of the people they meet."

What does this expectation of Jesus for his disciples require of us? Three things that are essential for discipleship today jump out at me from this passage.  

1. Christian Community to discern the will of God and to offer each other companionship

2. Let Go, Let God – set aside themselves and let God work through them

3. Travel Light and depend on God’s grace rather than our own self-sufficiency 

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