Mother’s Day, Rogation Sunday, May 13, 2012

Graveyard May 13, 2012

We had 50 people on a beautiful spring morning, a day celebrating Rogation Sunday and Mother’s Day. The clover and small flowers were like a canopy on the church yard, appropriate for the former. This was a busy Sunday:

1. For Mother’s Day

A. Tierra presented  a  Mother’s Day song

Tierra Mother's Day Song
B. Candy delivered to parishioners at the conclusion of the service. See picture below
C. A special mother’s day prayer 

Mother's Day Prayer

"Dear Lord, we come before you today to thank you for those who have brought new life into this world. We thank you especially for Mary , the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ, who brought to birth your Son who shared our human nature and lived and died as one of us. Give us the grace, all of us, to welcome you into our hearts and minds and spirits and bring your love to birth in this world. In the name of your song and through the power of the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen"

2. For Rogation Sunday 
A. A special Prayers to the People from The Rhythm of Life:  Celtic Daily Prayer, by David Adam) focusing attention on those who "work the land", "improve our environment", "involved with conservation", etc. for Rogation Sunday.  We used Eucharistic Prayer 2 from Enriching Our Worship  supplementary worship:

"We praise you and we bless you, holy and gracious God,  source of life abundant. From before time you made ready the creation. Your Spirit moved over the deep and brought all things into being:sun, moon, and stars;earth, winds, and waters;and every living thing.You made us in your image, and taught us to walk in your ways.But we rebelled against you, and wandered far away; and yet, as a mother cares for her children,you would not forget us.Time and again you called us to live in the fullness of your love."

We also

3. Commissioned of the Lay EucharisticVisitors and sending out Bill Wick as the first. Also, a happy birthday to Bill.  

Lev Commissioning

4. Heard a  Report from the Fisher Family on building a mud hut with the Hope for Humanity fundraiser and other items about South Sudan last Sunday. 

Tucker Kimberly Sudan Fund raiser

5  Thanked  the children and Barbara Wisdom/Cindy Fields from the Evening ECW on delivering mother’s day flowers and cards to the patients of the Bowling Green Nursing Home

4. Thanks for everyone’s work on the Ladies Night Out May 12th

The scriptures featured simple thoughts. Jesus calls his disciples friends. By calling them friends he places them in his plans for salvation. He urges them to love one another, lay down their lives for one another and produce fruit for the world. There are themes of connection and interdependence.  The bulletin is here.

The sermon picked up this idea in the growing friendship between Rev. Tory Baucum of Truro Anglican and Shannon Johnston. They were embroiled in the Diocesan property dispute over the last five years. "They claimed for themselves the most important thing to remember when dealing with conflict— that God is the victor, and knowing that, they were free to come together before the ultimate victor, God Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, trusting in God to lead them through this conflict." They have been meeting regularly over a year for prayer and conversation and have become friends despite theological differences. This has aided them in coming to a final settlement between the Diocese and Truro.

 After the service:

Candy Mother's Day

Candy for the moms


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