Fruitfulness, Oct 2, 2011

The signs of fall were in the air with temperatures in the low 50’s. A few leaves were beginning to turn, berries appeared on the bushes and dark layer of clouds hung over the river. 40 came to church with coffee hour afterwards. Rain and sun alternated for attention

Amy Turner 2011-10-02

We welcome the Rev. Amy P. Turner as the preacher and celebrant while Catherine was away visiting family. Both she and Catherine graduated in the same class in seminary.

The theme of the lectionary was fruitfulness. The fruit is the expression of the power of Christ in our lives, our inward nature and the outward expression. The metaphor used was the vineyard representing Israel and the vines representing the people.

In Isaiah God demonstrates his care, attention to the vineyard only to be disappointed with the lack of justice and righteousness of the people. What more could have been done ?  God determined to destroy the vineyard. The Psalm pleads for God to relent but the temple was eventually destroyed. The Gospel added the role of tenants in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants who withheld the produce from the owner (God) and then killed two sets of representatives and then Jesus when they claim the rent. The destroying has shifted from God to the tenants (Pharisees). Jesus was put to death by those he was trying to warn. Instead of pointing Israel to God they pointed the people to themselves. Control over the vineyard would have to be passed to a new group

As Amy pointed out the message of fruitfulness continued. God has expectations for us to bear fruit though seeds that would have to mature. The Vineyard represents all the places we are called to produce the fruits of the kingdom – households, places of business, neighborhoods, schools, etc. The good news is that over the next week we should cultivate our seeds and let them mature, filled with love, joy, praise, patience, kindness, goodness and self control, characteristics echoed in Galatians. 

The choir soloed with "What Wondrous Love is This". The sopranos performed the descant on "All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name."  Brad’s prelude was the "Prince of Denmark March" which is a medley of familiar melodies, such as Purcell’s "Trumpet Voluntary."

Senior Warden Linda Beck reported that  the Vestry will be meeting tomorrow night to review the options for repairs due to the earthquake. Barbara Wisdom announced recent activities of the ECW night group which included plans for the next community dinner in November. Cookie distributed the October edition of the Parish Post.

The bulletin is located here. The readings are published.

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