Advent 2, Dec 5, 2010

Second avent

This was a busy but rewarding Sunday showing off the talents of many of the St. Peter’s Community. The brisk wind at 10-15 mph and shorter days accented the themes of darkness and light. While the Children met in their Sunday school room, Adult Ed looked at the prayers of Examen,  part 2 of a advent prayer series. (Notes are here). As we learned this is not a particular prayer but a method of prayer.  There are two aspects but generally involve recalling and review your day – How has God been present to us throughout the day?  How have we responded to God’s loving presence? What are the areas in our lives that need cleansing, purifying, and healing? 

During the 11am service the second Advent candle was lit and prayers said by the Children. The sermon contrasted the “perfect holiday season” image with the stark reality of John the Baptist of the necessity  to repent and to offer all of ourselves to God so that God’s  purifying fire can burn away the dead wood and the chaff that we carry inside of us. 

Helmut played his violin during the offertory – this time with Brad’s accompaniment. Susan Goff was the celebrant and Catherine thanked the Diocese for providing a $5,000 check during the time she has been a Deacon.  We had 50 people in attendance on Sunday.

Coffee hour’s highlight was the vegetable and beef soup prepared by master chef Bill Wick and the fruit cake and other delights.

St. Nickolas

Certainly the Celebration of St. Nickolas at 5pm provided the most surprise as St. Nick in full  chasuble and miter came to the front door and proceeded to be interviewed Johnny Davis. He reviewed his life and how the image of St Nickolas has been transformed to the modern Santa Claus As was the tradition he presented oranges, gold coins and other goodies to the 30 people in the Parish Hall.  We also drew names to pray for one another.  As we learned during the Civil War, St. Nick was co-opted by the North. St. Nick said that was the reason why in 175 years, St. Nick has not been invited to St. Peters! Next was wine (hot wine and hot cider) and cheese party at 6pm. 

Even Song Choir
Finally, Even Song was celebrated with the Rev. Charles Sydnor donating his time to be the officiant. This was another event in the year long 175th anniversary of St. Peter’s. The Choir had practiced hard this past week – and it showed.  The Church was draped in candle light as the chants drifted through the Church. Thanks to all!

You can view a photo gallery of the day here

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