ECW donations, Nov. 2017

The ECW met in October to enjoy some time together and to discuss various aspects of community life and how we might better serve one another, and to do some outreach to the community and the world by dispersing funds to various helping organizations.  

Coffee Hour–Beginning in January, the coffee hour that follows the 11AM service on first Sundays will be potluck.  Bring a dish to share on that Sunday after church.

Altar Guild—Catherine will be holding a training for people interested in being on the Altar Guild on Sunday, November 19th, right after church. 

Altar Flowers—You can give flowers in memory or honor of someone, or in thanksgiving for an important occasion in your life on any Sunday of the year.  Please check with Catherine and Cookie to secure the date you’d prefer. 

Donations—Thanks to the women who make the Village Dinner possible each month, and thanks to all who support the Village Dinner, the ECW has money to share for outreach efforts around the world.  Locally, the women decided to donate to the Village Harvest, Rector’s Discretionary Fund, Caroline’s Promise, Caroline Young Life and Hospice.  St Andrew’s School in Richmond offers wonderful educational opportunities to elementary school children who come from families with limited financial resources in Richmond, VA.   Their program has a proven track record of success for the young people who attend.  Learn more at   

Internationally, the ECW is supporting Five Talents, an organization that fights poverty around the world through creating jobs and empowering the poor through innovative savings and financial inclusion programs, business training and spiritual development. Learn more at  

Heifer Project’s mission is to help end poverty and hunger around the world.

Doctors without Borders delivers emergency medical aid to people around the world affected by  conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from health care.  Learn more at

Episcopal Relief and Development, begun in 1940 by The Episcopal Church, works with Church partners and other local organizations to save lives and transform communities worldwide.  ERD helps people rebuild after disasters and empower people to create lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease.  The group works with close to 40 countries worldwide and impacts the lives of approximately 3 million people around the world.

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