Nov. 13, 2015 – “Tacayas”, an Art Exhibition from Susan Goff, Susan Tilt

  Tocayas (full size gallery)

We had 8 from St. Peter’s that were attracted to the opening reception of "Tacayas", a joint art exhibition between friends Susan Goff and Bishop Susan Goff. The reception was well attended. "Tocayas" is a noun meaning friends and artists with the same name. They are both "Susan E."

They have been friends since Susan E. Tilt was a member of St. Christopher’s, Springfield, where Bishop Susan E. Goff served as rector for 15 years. Bishop Susan Tilt is our parishioner and Susan Goff is our Bishop.

They both are fabric artists, Susan Tilt with her liturgical garments and Susan Goff with her fiber sculptures. They both employ mixed media. However, there are differences in mediums and subjects. Susan Tilt paints impressionist pictures, using cold wax as a medium. Susan Goff paints with acrylic and creates 3D mixed media collages that "pop" out at you. Goff paints religious subjects and several from her life, such as that on an Indian reservation. Tilt’s are more secular and based on nature and current events. Both stressed that their art works are not conceived from the beginning but develop as they build layer up layer upon layer of elements.  

If you missed the reception, the gallery is up through December at the JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery.The gallery is located at 100 Taylor St # 101, Colonial Beach, VA.  More information is  here,

There are many ways to view such a exhibition. Obviously the works are central. However, the ability to meet the artist one on one is a big attraction as well as the time to see art with friends and compare notes.  Finally, in a joint exhibition there is a time for the artists to have a good time together in a playful manner, especially if they are friends and share joint interests.

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