Prayer with the Advent Wreath

A brief Order for Daily Prayer with your Advent Wreath

 The family gathers by the wreath (which is not yet lit) and uses the antiphon for the day. Pick a Leader and Reader before you begin.

Leader: Light and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Leader: Let us pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, in your resurrection you appeared as the Morning Star that knows no setting: Dawn upon the darkness of the human heart so that the darkness of this world may be overcome and your whole creation made new; for with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

The candle or candles are now lit as the following is said by all together: 

God of hope, when Christ our Savior appears may he not find us asleep or idle,

but active in his service and ready for joy. Come, O Emmanuel,

You are the way, the truth and the life;

Come, living Savior, come to your world, which waits for you. Amen


Families with young children may use this prayer:

Dear God, we love you. We thank you for loving us. Help us get ready for Jesus. Help us say “yes”

like Mary. We are wide awake, watching and waiting for you to come and help us to love. Amen.


Reader reads the Antiphon for the Day and all share responses to the Reflection Question


Leader: The Lord be with you

All: And also with you

Leader: Let us pray…

This is a time for intercessory prayers. Your family might decide ahead of time for whom to pray or it may be spontaneous.

All pray The Lord’s Prayer

Leader: The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. The Lord lift up his countenance upon us and give us peace.

All: Amen.

Leader: Let us bless the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.         Put out the candle or candles