Frontpage, Sept. 30, 2018

September 30, 2018,  Season of Creation 5

Children leading the procession, Creating Mandalas in the Parish House for Christian Ed ending the Season of Creation, A sunlit filled church (finally!), Caroline’s Promise award given to St. Peter’s for supporting school supplies.

Pictures and text from this Sunday, Sept. 30

The Week Ahead… 

Oct. 3 – 10am-12pm,  Ecumenical Bible Study

Oct. 3 – 5pm-6:30pm,  Village Dinner

Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Maple Apple Cake

Oct. 4 – St. Francis Pet Blessing, 4:30pm

Oct. 7 – 10:00am,  Living the Good News Christian Ed

Oct. 7 – 11:00am,  Pentecost 20, Holy Eucharist Rite II

Oct. 7 – Stewardship pledge cards collected

Sunday, Oct. 7 Readings and Servers

The Pets are blessed – St. Francis Day, Oct. 4, 2018

Under clear, but warm skies for an early October Thursday, Catherine blessed six dogs – Max, Opie, Bo, Rosie, Charlie, Koda, and one kitten–Cricket. It was a heated contest but Max and his owner came out with the $25 Pet Smart gift certificate. Elizabeth Heimbach’s mouse treats were delicious as usual and Catherine added “munchies” for all. Including Catherine there were 17 people.

“Read the rest of the story and see the pictures

Your turn! Please turn in your pledge card, Oct. 7 and receive a daffodil bulb!

Elizabeth, Stewardship message, Sept. 16, 2018

Stewardship is … “Using the gifts that God gives us to do the work God calls us to do.” No gift is too large for God’s work. We give back as we are given by God.

Pledging should be about growing your faith. As your faith grows so should your giving.

Make your pledge for 2019 and return it Sunday, Oct. 7

If you didn’t receive a pledge card in church, you can pledge online

Check out our stewardship page

The Commitment

A better word than pledge card is commitment card.  We commit so we can give:>

  • Commit to help us reduce hunger in this area, through the Village Harvest Distribution
  • Commit to us to bring hope to our community,
  • Commit to help us bring comfort to those suffering in sickness or loneliness,
  • Commit to help us in Christian education and encourage fellowship.
  • Commit so we can make a difference.  

What should be our commitment to what God has given us ? 

God calls us to share in God’s mission of caring for the world, using all the gifts God has given us. Our gifts includes those of treasure. Over 80% of the funds used to support and plan for ministry in a year come from pledges.

 Lectionary, Pentecost 20, Proper 22

I. Theme – Relactionships

Cerezo Barredo – Mark 10:2-16

The lectionary readings are here or individually: 

Genesis 2:18-24

Psalm 8

Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Mark 10:2-16

You may want to call this “relationship” Sunday- Man to Woman, God to Man Genesis is about the creation of women (“helper”  who married and becomes “one flesh” and the Gospel when Jesus is questioned about divorce from the pharisees (yet another relationship). The Psalm is about the dominion of God  but brings in Man.God made humans “a little lower than God.”  Well how much lower ? Sometimes we are really “low” but echoing Genesis we have dominion over the earth and there is assertion we are royal creatures. ” Hebrews considers a special Christian community and relationships to others. Christ is seen as the model who walked a difficult road with the realization of something greater lay ahead

Read more..

A Pet Blessing for St. Francis day 

We will bless our pets beside the Parish House, Oct. 4, 4:30pm.

The creatures who keep us company bless us in so many ways. Bring your pet to St Peter’s on St Francis Day for a blessing, and to give thanks for these companions on our journeys. There will be blessings to go for those of you who would like to take blessings home to your pets. Our time together will include Elizabeth Heimbach’s delicious mouse cookies and other treats for both animals and humans. All who attend can enter a drawing for a gift certificate to PetSmart. Be present to win!

The blessing -"Our pets have already blessed us. On St Francis Day, we get to bless our pets. St Francis of Assisi, who lived from 1182 to 1226, had a great love for animals and the environment. He understood the earth and everything in it as God’s good creation and believed that we are brothers and sisters with everything in creation. So on this day, we remember St Francis and thank God for the gift of our pets.

"When you have a moment with your pet, offer this blessing written by Bishop Mark S. Sisk:

Live without fear. Your Creator loves you, made you holy, and has always protected you. May we follow the good road together, and may God’s blessing be with you always. Amen.

"Who was St. Francis? " – a link collection

Brief biography

St. Francis movie on Youtube

"Brother Sun, Sister Moon"- trailer

Director Franco Zeffirelli’s "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" focuses on the early years of Francis of Assisi in this 1972 film.

Poem by Jan Richardson from the "Painted Prayerbook"

Addressing myths about St. Francis

St. Francis preaching to the birds

Rhonda Mawhood Lee: "Go a little crazy on St. Francis Day", a sermon preached at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Durham, N.C

"It’s appropriate to go a little crazy on St. Francis Day, because during his own lifetime, many people thought Francesco Bernardone was insane." 

Past Celebrations of St. Francis at St. Peter’s

The 2017 event
The 2015 event
The 2013 event
The 2012 event
The 2011 event
The 2010 event

The service in 2013
The prayer of St. Francis


2017 Gallery
2015 Gallery
2013 Gallery 
2012 Gallery
2011 Gallery

Here’s is a link 2013’s animal kingdom.

Oct. 7 is also "World Communion Sunday"

What is World Communion Sunday? Churches this Sunday all over the world celebrate oneness in Christ in the midst of the world ever more in need of peacemaking and the universal and inclusive nature of the church. The tradition originated in the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in 1933, was adopted throughout the US Presbyterian Church in 1936, and subsequently spread to other denominations. The Episcopal Church also remembers students serving abroad, particularly the Young Adult Service Corp in the Episcopal Church.


Poem for World Communion Sunday 


We will sit down where feet tire from the journey.
    We will sit down where grief bends the back.  

We will sit down under roofs wrecked by artillery.
    We will sit down where cries sound from cracked walls.  

We will sit down where heat beats like hammers.
   We will sit down where flesh shivers in cold.  

We will sit down where bread bakes on thin charcoal.
   We will sit down where there is no grain in baked fields.  

We will sit down with those who dwell in ashes.
   We will sit down in shadow and in light.  

We will sit down, making friends out of strangers.
   We will sit down, our cup filled with new wine.  

We will sit down and let love flow like language.We will sit together at the table with no edges.
   We will sit to share one loaf, in Christ’s name, in one world.  

Hurricane Florence – How can I help

From Episcopal Relief Development

Read about the cycle of Rescue, Relief, Recovery

A message from the Bishops in the Diocese of North Caroline

“We greet the Church from our dioceses in the Carolinas, and we thank you for your prayers before, during and after Hurricane Florence. Our region has suffered considerable damage, and the path of the storm has affected all of our dioceses in varying ways. ​Our hearts go out to those who are suffering and to the grieving families who have lost loved ones.

“We are assessing the damage to our communities, which as you will know from news reports, varies widely. Conditions will continue to change for days due to rising rivers. For the present, we ask you not to send goods or travel to this region to help. The infrastructure in many places cannot support those who are here, let alone others. In the hardest hit places, there is a shortage of accommodation. Gas, food and water are in short supply. And with downed power lines in many places and curfews remaining in force, it is not safe.”

“Now is the time to offer financial support. Contributing to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund will ensure that we have enough resources to support the work of our church partners as they serve the most vulnerable in their communities. They are best positioned to assess needs and timing for response efforts.

One of the immediate ways Episcopal Relief & Development and our partners help individuals is by handing out gift cards to local stores so that people can choose what they need the most. It not only affords people dignity but it also helps stimulate the local economy, which needs to recover post-disaster.

Top links

1. Newcomers – Welcome Page

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Rector

3. St. Peter’s Sunday News

4. Oct., 2018 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Oct, 2018)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. This past Sunday

9. Latest Sunday Bulletin (Oct. 7, 2018 11:00am),  and Sermon (Sept. 30, 2018)

Sept. 2    

10. Recent Services: 

Sept. 9

Photos from Sept. 9

Sept. 16

Photos from Sept. 16

Sept. 23

Photos from Sept. 23

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Colors for Year B, 2017-18

Green Ordinary Time Jun 3-Oct 31



Daily "Day by Day"

3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer. Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.

Knowing that not everyone prays at the same pace, you have control over the pace of the retreat. After each screen, a Continue button will appear. Click it when you are ready to move on. If you are new to online prayer, the basic timing of the screens will guide you through the experience.

Follow the Star

Daily meditations in words and music.  

Sacred Space

Your daily prayer online, since 1999

"We invite you to make a ‘Sacred Space’ in your day, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of scripture chosen every day and on-screen guidance."

Daily C. S. Lewis thoughts

Saints of the Week,  Sept. 30 – Oct. 7

Priest, and Scholar, 420
Therese of Lisieux, Monastic, 1898
Bishop of Rheims, c. 530
John Raleigh Mott, Ecumenist & Missionary, 1955
of Assisi
, Friar, 1226
William Tyndale & Miles Coverdale, Translators of the Bible, 1536, 1568
Henrietta Stockdale, Monastic & Nurse, 1911
Birgitta of Sweden, Mystic and Prophetic Witness, 1373

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg
, Pastor, 1787