Holy Eucharist Rite II, September 12, 2010

Title:Holy Eucharist Rite II, September 12, 2010

Bulletin Date: September 12, 2010 4:00 am


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church


Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 19


September 12, 2010 – 11:00 A.M.


The Holy Eucharist, Rite It


Celebrant: The Reverend Charles R. Sydnor, Jr.


Deacon-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks


(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal, S Numbers are the service music

found in the front of The Hymnal 1982)


When you enter these doors, you enter sacred space that has been

set aside for God.


Before the service, may we sit in silence and meditate with God.

Welcome                                               The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

Tolling of the Bell


The Word of God


Opening Hymn                   "Immortal, invisible"


Opening Acclamation

BCP 355

Gloria in Excelsis


Today’s Collect


First Reading                        Exodus 32:7-14


Psalm 51:1-11

BCP 656

Second Reading                 1 Timothy 1:12-17


Sequence Hymn          "In your mercy"      H-707 (hymn tune at H-66)

The Gospel                       Luke 15:1-10


The Sermon                                            The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

The Nicene Creed

BCP 358

The Prayers of the People: Form III                    BCP 387 and Insert

The Confession of Sin

BCP 360

The Peace (Kindly greet those next to you)


Birthday and Anniversary Blessings                        BCP 830 #51/431



The Offertory


The Holy Communion


Eucharistic Prayer A

BCP 361



The Lord’s Prayer

BCP 363

The Breaking of the Bread

BCP 364

The Communion of the People of God


(All baptized Christians, regardless of church affiliation, are welcome at God’s altar.)

Communion Prayer

BCP 365

The Blessing


Closing Hymn           "I am Thine, O Lord"





We welcome all visitors. Please sign our guest register in the back pew of the church.

We welcome The Rev. Charles R. Sydnor as our celebrant today. We welcome Brad Volland as our organist today.

Please keep our prayer list current by notifying Terri Harrison of additions/deletions. You may email her at tharrison7@aol.com.

Ecumenical Bible study meets every Wednesday from 10AM until noon in the Parish House.

ChurchSchoolfor all ages is at 10 AM each Sunday in the Parish House. The nursery is available for little ones.

Birthdays- Kenneth Allwine, Sept 17th; Anniversaries—Fred and Crystal Pannell, Sept 13th.

Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry. Contact Fred Pannell, (804) 742-5302, with questions. Please bring dry or canned pet food for the animal shelter ministry. If you have any questions, please speak with Marilyn Newman. Donations for the military may be placed in the back pew. Please contact Joan Poland, (540) 775-3277 for more information.

Gospel on the Rivah!!! TODAY!!!! September 12th, from 4-6PM. Come enjoy great music, fellowship and food. Please call Nancy Long, (804) 742-5612 for more information.

The Vestry will hold its September meeting immediately following the church service today.

Looking ahead—ECW yard sale will be held on Saturday, September 25lh. Please call Cindy Fields or Cookie Davis for more information.

Blessing of the Animals will be on Saturday, October 3.



Prayers of the Form III, page


387 in the Book of Common Prayer

Receiving our prayers

Requested by:

Those serving with & in our armed forces

Requested by:

Sieglinde Vogel

B. Wisdon

Brennan Kopp

J. Poland

David Timmerman

H. Muhly

Alexlander Long V


Marjorie Vreeland


John Wall IV

Fr. John

Sylvia Sellers

Linne von Berg

David Locklerr


Joyce Makely


Julia Burns Furman

S. Wall

David Watson


Gordon Devine

V. Mcdonald

A J Willis


Matt Kopp

J. Poland

Kim (Millies granddaughter)


DJ Miller

D. Symonds

Yvonne & Charles Johnson


Jacqueline Burns

Fr. John

Bill Clift Sr.




Butch & Carolyn Delhagen




Matthew Rose




Douglas Minter




Vivian McDonald

Eunice Key



Wesley Berry

Smith, S



Sandra Sauceda




Anne Parker





M. Newman



Brenda Latham

M. Newman



Mary Ryan

M. Newman



Edwin Dudley

M. Newman



Jeanne Betchy

C. Kunstmann



Lucille Pringle

C. Pannell



Debbie Naylor

H. Muhly



Clarence Washington

F. Pannell



Ann Marie Sherridan

D. Fannon



Jeremiah Butler

M. Muhly







Danny Chafin




Carrie Grifith

Marilyn N. mother



Ethel Shook

Eunice Key



Rachel Schnakebburg

Becky Fisher



| Brennon Kopp

Terri Harrison




Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations yet unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land, and especially those serving in our armed forces, may have the grace to maintain these liberties, being protected under Your great might and guidance, in order that our land will continue to be blessed by the light of freedom, and in order that each of us can strive to serve You in righteousness and ultimately in peace and in safety, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Our fathers’ God, to thee, author of liberty, to thee

we sing; Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy

light; Protect us by Thy might, great God, our King.


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