Brad Jackson’s 20 minutes with Advent a day

As we enter into a new season of Advent, “re member” the Christian discipline of waiting and watching for our Savior.

Consider spending 20 minutes a day:

1 Meditating on the daily scriptures found in the Forward Day by Day or in the Book of Common Prayer pages 936 & 938.

2 Watching for signs of hope in your life and in God’s world which are signs of God’s love.

3 Considering ways you can be a sign of hope for those in despair by working for greater justice in our world

"Those dear tokens of his passion 
Still His dazzling body bears,
Cause of endless exultation
To his ransomed worshippers
With what rapture
Gaze we on those glorious scar"

– Rev. Brad Jackson, Piedmont Episcopal


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