Singing Mary’s Song, Week 4

Singing Mary’s Song Session 4 

Let’s begin with this simple prayer.

God of new beginnings, may we remember that in your will is our peace. In your love is our rest. In your service is our joy. Amen.

Today is our last day with Mary, and I’d like to return to the Magnificat, Mary’s song, the song we began with a few weeks ago.

Let’s read it together.

What does this hymn have to say to us about how we are to carry out God’s work in the world today, right here? How do we imagine how we can participate in the work that God continues this day, correcting, redeeming, and bringing hope and deliverance?

Let’s divide into groups of two.

Each group, please take your copies of Mary’s Song, and for the next few minutes, rewrite Mary’s song for today.

You can rewrite the hymn in your own words, or use phrases from songs you know, or use pictures-however you’d like to put this hymn of hope into your own words, and we’ll come back together to talk about what we’ve learned about how God is calling us in minutes.


Go into the world singing words of hope and deliverance.

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