Wednesday prayer services during Lent

Part of the observance of a Holy Lent, according to The Book of Common Prayer, is to read and meditate on God’s holy Word. If you don’t already attend Bible Study, please join this weekly Bible study for an in depth look at the upcoming Sunday lectionary.

Noonday Prayer will follow Bible Study during Lent . Noonday Prayer is a short liturgy on page 103 in The Book of Common Prayer. This short service comes from the pattern of praying that you will find in monasteries—that of setting aside time throughout the day to pray and to read scriptures. Noonday prayer includes the reading of psalms, and emphasis of the mission of the church, and to remember that Christ hung on the cross at this hour. We will also use the service of noonday prayer from a new daily office resource called Daily Prayer for All Seasons, new this year from Church Publishing, as well as from A New Zealand Prayer Book.

During Lent, beginning Feb 25, we will also be holding Evening Prayer on Wednesdays at 7pm.  Join us on Feb. 25,  March 4, March 11 and March 18. The service is short – about 30 minutes.

The service is a fitting conclusion for many at St. Peter’s who start their day with Bible Study at 10am.  Evening Prayer is also part of the Daily Office. We will also be using Daily Prayer for All Seasons and A New Zealand Prayer Book for these evening services. Evening Prayer offers us the Lenten discipline of coming together in community to close the day with scripture and prayer.

From the New Zealand Prayer Book

"Support us, Lord, all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work done; then Lord, in your mercy, give us safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last. God our judge and our companion, we thank you for the good we did this day and for all that has given us joy. Everything we offer as our humble service. Bless those with whom we have worked, and those who are our concern. Amen" 

This Lenten discipline will help us accomplish several things. First of all, I hope that everyone will feel inspired to observe Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer or one of the other offices in the prayer book every day during Lent. The Daily Office is at the beginning of the Book of Common Prayer. In this section you can find Morning Prayer (page 75, Noonday Prayer, page 103, Evening Prayer, page 109, and Compline on page 127. Our youth group reads Compline together at the end of Youth Group each time we meet!)

Second, I hope that as these prayers become part of the daily rhythm of your life, you will find that you are more open to God’s presence with you. And third, I hope that by praying these prayers, your life as part of a Christian community will grow stronger.

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