Evening ECW September 11, 2012

Evening ECW Minutes

September 11, 2012

Present:    Mary Ann Betchy, Cindy Fields, Andrea Pogue, Barbara Wisdom

Absent:    Linda Beck, Phyllis Carpenter (Phyllis may start attending the daytime ECW), Carolyn Duke, Terri Harrison, Elizabeth Heimbach, Catherine Hicks

Barbara Wisdom rattled the Penny Jar and opened the meeting with a prayer.   The inspirational reading was Psalm 96. Catherine was absent, so no Rectors Report was presented.


The fifth community dinner in Port Royal was held on June 9, 2012 at the Fire House.   It was the one year anniversary and it featured Stanley’s new grill with Kirkland’s hamburgers and hotdogs.   We served 25 at the dinner with 12 people helping from St. Peter’s.   We also gave away a $50 gas card.   The gas card drawing was popular.   We will discuss the continuation of the community dinners at our October meeting.

New Business:

The next Port Royal Community Dinner is scheduled for November 3 at the Fire House.   The menu will include:   Fall vegetable soup, bean soup, bread, pumpkin pie, cookies, coffee, tea and lemonade.   Barbara will make the vegetable soup.   Mary Ann will make the Navy bean soup.   Cindy agreed to purchase the groceries and paper products.    Please save all receipts and turn them into me.   Barbara will talk with Bill Carpenter to reserve the Fire House.   Barbara will ask the ECM to assist with set up.

The Bowling Green Harvest Festival is scheduled for October 20th.   The daytime ECW may need volunteers to assist them.   They are collecting purses, jewelry and scarves to sell at their booth.   Please see Eunice Key for additional details, or if you wish to volunteer.

Barbara will get with Catherine to discuss the following two projects for December:

1.              Nursing Home Residents skid-proof socks with prayer cards.   Will need approximately 100 pair of socks.

2.              Candy Project for Prisoners


We plan for the Youth of the Church to participate with us.   We may ask the congregation for donations.   The deadline for both projects will be December 17.

Catherine would like to begin a GED class in Port Royal.   Andrea will get GED requirements from Ken, as he already has the information.

Barbara suggested offering computer classes for the Port Royal residents.   Perhaps starting with, How to Use the INTERNET.   The Library has six computers and the Library will now be opened on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Next Meeting:   Monday, October 15, 7:00 pm.   Cindy will provide refreshments and an inspirational reading.

Respectfully submitted, CINDY FIELDS

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