Evening ECW, May 14, 2012

Evening ECW Meeting

May 14, 2012 


Present: Elizabeth Heimbach, Barbara Wisdom 

Absent: Linda Beck, Phyllis Carpenter, Carolyn Duke, Cindy Fields, Terri Harrison, Catherine Hicks 

Barbara Wisdom opened the meeting with a prayer.

Old Business:

Community dinner on June 9:

·        The menu will be hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, chips , and brownies, lemonade and tea.

·        Barbara will call people to get volunteers to help with shopping, set up, and clean up.

·        Barbara has materials for the children to make bookmarks, and we may be able to get books for summer reading.

·        Elizabeth gave Barbara flyers to give out and a gift card for gas at Sheets.

The  pocket change ministry might interfere with the UTO so we probably should not do  that project.

New Business:

Barbara attended the ECW lunch on April 29, and learned the daytime ECW would like Marion and Eunice to have copies of our minutes so that everyone will knows what we are doing.

Items for discussion at our next meeting on June 11 at 7:00:

·        Fred Camp

·        JoySong, July 15

·        August 22-25: Mission Trip to Staten Island.

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