Evening ECW, April 16, 2012

Evening ECW Meeting

April 16, 2012 

Present: Cindy Fields, Elizabeth Heimbach, Catherine Hicks, Barbara Wisdom 

Absent: Linda Beck, Phyllis Carpenter, Carolyn Duke, Terri Harrison 

Barbara Wisdom opened the meeting with a prayer and a reading from Matthew. 

Rector’s Report:

Catherine reported that the Vestry has decided to host a musical event by “JoySong” on Sunday, July 15. We talked about selling drinks or dessert. Barbara is going to check on renting a machine to make snow cones.

Catherine will be gone May 7-9 and 15-24.

Old Business:

April 29: Joint ECW Luncheon at the Tavern

April 25: Cindy will bring vases and ribbon; Catherine will bring small Mother’s Day cards. The children will help assemble everything. Elizabeth will help with assembly.

May 11:  We will take the vases and flowers (Cindy will buy flowers) to the nursing home in Bowling Green, and we will fill the vases with water and flowers for the 75-80 ladies who live in the nursing home.


New Business:

At the luncheon on April 29, we will explore a way to have a pocket change ministry without interfering with the UTO.

August 22-25: Mission Trip to Staten Island. Catherine’s sister’s church will provide breakfast and a place to stay. We will help with set up, distribution, and clean up for the distribution of clothes and shoes for school age children.

Important Dates:

April 29: Joint ECW Luncheon
May 11: flower delivery to Bowling Green nursing home
May 12: Ladies Night Out
May 14: 7:00: next evening ECW meeting
June 9: Community dinner
October: Talent Show 

Catherine closed the meeting with a prayer.

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