Evening ECW Minutes March 12, 2012

Evening ECW Meeting 

March 12, 2012


Present: Cindy Fields, Elizabeth Heimbach, Catherine Hicks, Barbara Wisdom 

Absent: Linda Beck, Phyllis Carpenter, Carolyn Duke, Terri Harrison 

Barbara Wisdom opened the meeting with a prayer. 


Community dinner:

There were about 28 people at the Community Dinner on March 10, and the cost for food was $195. We discussed ways to encourage more people to come. Catherine said she would ask Pat Posner if we could hold the next dinner in her yard. Barbara suggested having a drawing for a $25 gas card. She also suggested having hats for the children because the fireman hats from the Carpenters were a great hit with the kids on Saturday. We agreed to have hot dogs and hamburgers for the next dinner on Saturday, June 9.   

Nursing Home Project:

For Mother’s Day on May 13, we plan to deliver small bouquets to residents of the Bowling Green Nursing Home in vases with a card. We hope that the Sunday School kids can help put the cards on the vases with ribbon on Wednesday, May 9 when they meet at 4:45. We can take the flowers and vases over to Bowling Green on Friday, May 11 and put the flowers and water in the vases at the Nursing Home. Barbara is going to find out how many residents we should plan for.

ECW Lunch:

The luncheon for the combined ECW is scheduled for Sunday April 22. It will be after church at the Tavern.


April 16: 6:00: next evening ECW meeting

May 11: flowers and vases at the Bowling Green Nursing Home

May 12: Ladies Night Out

June 9: Community Dinner

June 17: the Bishop’s visit

July 4: the ECW will supply the food

August 22-28: mission trip to Staten Island


Barbara closed the meeting with a prayer.

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