ECW Meeting, September 19, 2012

19 September 2012 ECW Minutes


The meeting was called to order with the rattling of the Penny Jar. This was followed by the reading of our Mission Statement.  An Inspirational Reading was given by Marion taken from “United in Prayer” entitled “the 23rd Psalm for Busy People”.


The Minutes from the 13 June meeting were read and approved.


Crystal reported a balance of $4777.68 in the treasury.  This included a 6 month pre-paid installment for our Dominion Republic child.


President’s Report:

*Marion reminded us of the Annual Meeting to be held at Christ Church on the 25th of October.

*She reported receiving a letter of thanks from St. Andrew’s School in Richmond for our $200 donation.

*She received a newsletter from the Jackson Field House with request for a donation.  We had already sent one recently so didn’t feel it necessary at this time.


Rector’s Report:  There was no Rector’s report.


Altar Guild:

*Eunice brought a sample of red material to consider for the hanging for the altar area.  It was discussed to possibly line it.  This will be further discussed at another meeting.

*Crystal suggested that we recoat the brass book (called the desk) holder as it is looking shabby.  We voted so to do.


Old Business: 

*We discussed what items to sell at the Harvest Festival in Bowling Green (on the 20th of October).  Eunice suggested scarfs, purses and jewelry.  This was approved.  Also we will sell baked goods and our St. Peter’s cook book.

*We discussed the trip to St. Mary’s Whitechapel in October to walk the labyrinth with Rev. Karen Woodruff as our leader.  The date is not yet set.  We plan to have lunch afterwards at Lancaster Tavern, Lancaster Viginia.

*Eunice suggested that we get new table cloths with St. Peter’s, Port Royal, Virginia embroidered on them.  This was approved.  We decided to get dark green with white letters.  Eunice volunteered to do the project.


New Business:

*Marion asked for suggestions for field trips in 2013.  One idea was a trip to historic Christ Church in Weems, Virginia (which is near Kilmarnock).


The Closing Prayer was said by all followed by refreshment provided by Eunice.


The trip to St. Mary’s Whitechapel will be in lieu of an October meeting.


Those attending were: Marion Mahoney, Crystal Pannell, Phyllis Sue Carpenter, Cookie Davis, Eunice Key and Betty Kunstmann.


Betty Kunstmann,


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