ECW Minutes, Jan. 18, 2012

Minutes of ECW meeting of 18 January 2012

The meeting was opened with the rattling of the Penny Jar followed by the reading of our Mission Statement.  Marion Mahoney read the Inspirational Reading which was taken from United in Prayer. It was called Winter Milestone 93.

Betty Kunstmann, secretary, read the minutes of the 30 November meeting and they were approved.

Crystal Pannell, treasurer, reported a balance of $3474.89.


            Marion thanked everyone for the Christmas present she received from the ECW.

            She also reported that Karen Woodruff, a former priest at St. Peter’s, donated $50 to help with our outreach.


            Catherine spoke about the Christmas services and also about the party the Longs gave after one of the services.

            She spoke about the beautiful Poinsettias. It was decided that even though they cost more than we had spent that it was worth it and plan to order from the same florist Joyce’s in bowling green next season.


            Crystal reported that we need new short fair linen as the one have is actually too short. We will order a new one.  Eunice offered to modify the one we have to make two smaller ones for the altar.

            There was discussion on the need to clean the white hangings.

            Crystal will make a list of all the hangings to help decide if we want to order any others.

            Nancy Long suggested that we need a new crèche.  The one we have used is mismatched and she suggested we buy a new one.  Eunice said she has figures she has hand painted that we might use.


            Marion asked our opinion of the Christmas luncheon at Hobbs Hole.  We all agreed that the food was good and the atmosphere very pleasant.

            The list for Altar duty was passed around.  We still have months to be filled in.  Judy Fox will do the cleaning.


We discussed fund raisers and agreed to this probable list

  1. Provide food and volunteers to work at the annual 4th of July celebration.
  2. Set up a table at the Bowling Green Clean Sweep day in May/June (this would be a good way to donate all those things that are too good to throw away).
  3. Set up a booth at the fall Harvest Festival in Bowling Green (where we will sell our St. Peter’s cook, baked goods, and collectables and jewelry.

We also planned a couple of field trips.

1. Tour Kenmore in Fredericksburg and have lunch.  This probably will be May or June.

2. Visit the labyrinth near Lively Virginia.  It is located at St. Mary’s Chapel in the Woods White House.  Our former priest Karen Woodruff has offered to lead us. This is planned for September or October.

      The possibility of the joint meeting with the evening ECW continued to be discussed.

The Closing Prayer was said by all followed by fellowship.

Those attending were Marion Mahoney, Nancy Wick, Eunice Key, Crystal Pannell, Catherine, our priest, and Betty Kunstmann.

Betty Kunstmann, Secretary

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