ECW Evening Minutes July 11, 2011

Saint Peter’s Night ECW

11 July 2011 

The ladies of Saint Peter’s night ECW met on July 11, 2011 at 7:00 pm at Fall Hall.  Members present were Priest in charge, Catherine Hicks, Linda Beck, Liz Heimbach, Sue Carpenter, Carolyn Duke, Cindy Fields and Barbara Wisdom. 

 The meeting opened with a short spiritual reading and the rattling of the penny jar. 

Old Business:

2nd Community Dinner – Date of the second community dinner is slated for 27 August 2011 on the town green beginning at 4:00 pm.  The menu will be Hot Dogs, baked beans, chips, watermelon, lemonade, water and a chocolate treat, cupcakes or brownies.  Catherine will speak to the Pastors of Memorial and Shiloh to see if they would like to play some music and to give them a formal invitation.  Terri will ask the Port Royal town council for permission to use the town green and Phyllis Sue will contact the Fire Department to obtain permission to use the kitchen and building.  Liz Heimbach will prepare 150 flyers advertising the event, Carolyn and Terri will assist Liz in distributing them.   The flyers will be given out on the 14th of August.  Catherine will prepare an article for the newsletter and submit it in time for the August publication.  Catherine will ask Becky if she would like to set up the children’s table and offer face painting for the children.  The group will collect school supplies to be given out to the children attending the picnic.  Liz Heimbach suggested purchasing like items and placing the items in a back pack for each child, so that all children will receive the same things.    Cindy Fields will contact the schools to determine the correct supplies needed. Catherine will place announcement in the bulletin asking parishioners to bring in school supplies.   Linda will communicate with David Beck, President of the ECM (Episcopal Church Mens Group) and recruit their assistance again for this project.  The ECM reported that they were happy to help us with our projects after their last meeting. 

Mittens and Mufflers – Tabled – this item will be revisited in the fall.

Nursing Home Ministry – Tabled – this item will be revisited in the winter.  Catherine will call the Bowling Green Health Care facility to see what needs they presently have and how we may be able to assist this winter. 

Basket Ministry – Carolyn Duke stated that presently she is not aware of any family in need, but she will keep a watch out and report as soon as a she hears of a family.

The night ECW worked together with the Port Royal Ruritan Club during the July 4th event sponsored by Historic Port Royal and Caroline County department of Tourism.  The two groups together handled the food.  Both groups received $540.00 profit after expenses were paid. 

New Business:

Soup Kitchen – This winter we will have our Community Dinners inside the Parish House.  The funding from the Mustard Seed grant stipulates that we must provide six (6) dinners.  The August 27th dinner will be our second dinner. 

Fred Camp Angels – Lunches were provided by both ladies and the children of the St. Peter’s for the students working on a home in Townfield Subdivision under the direction of Fred Camp. 

Other Business:

Cook Book – Barbara Wisdom reported that sales were good on the cookbook, presently they have sold 127 books totaling $1,328.00.

Next meeting – Carolyn Duke will chair the next meeting on August 8th.  2011 at 7:00 PM.


Hearing no further business, the meeting closed with prayer.


Respectfully Submitted:


Terri Harrison


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